'1st method
Window("Flight Reservation").WinButton("Update Order").Click 'Common Method
'2nd method
Set wndObject=Window("Flight Reservation") ' Assigning window object to an object variable
wndObject.WinButton("Update Order").Click ' Following normal syntax ( click on a button)
' OR
Set btnObject=Window("Flight Reservation").WinButton("Update Order") ' Assigning Button object to an object variable
btnObject.Click ' Clicking on button using button object variable
'3rd method
With Window("Flight Reservation") ' Using With statement
.WinButton("Update Order").click
End with
'4th method
Window("text:=Flight Reservation").WinButton("text:=&Update Order").Click ' Descriptive programming
'5th method
Set oDes=Description.Create ' creating a description object
oDes("nativeclass").value="Button" ' assigning description to the description object
oDes("text").value="&Update Order"
Window("text:=Flight Reservation").winbutton(oDes).click ' clicking on button using the created description object
'6th method
Set oDes=Description.Create ' creating a description object
set btnObjList=Window("text:=Flight Reservation").ChildObjects(oDes) ' Flitering the objects
For objIndex=0 to btnObjList.count-1
propVal=btnObjList(objIndex).getroproperty("text") ' Get property value from object
If propVal="&Update Order" Then ' Compare property value
btnObjList(objIndex).click ' Click on identified object
Exit for ' Exit For loop after clicking on the button
End If
'7th method
Public const wndFlight="text:=Flight Reservation" ' Assigning window object description to a constant
Public const btnUpdate="text:=&Update Order" ' Assigning Button object description to a constant
Window(wndFlight).winbutton(btnUpdate).click ' Click on a button using description constants
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